For years, friends have been suggesting and encouraging me to write my book. Years and hundreds of blog posts and articles later on a long list of subjects, I finally figured out what "my book" really should be about: meaning as we age in life. I could not have known 10 or 15 years ago, that writing about "conscious aging" and “meaning” would be what would call me forward to write as a book. Life has its way of showing you things in its "own language"…
"The Inner Journey: Finding Meaning in Life after 50".
These books have come out in digital format, the shorter version containing the first four chapters of the larger text is available at no cost.
I hope you will be able to read and reflect on the materials and choose to engage with the many exercises that I have included in the full version. May they assist you on your journey as you proceed in seeing aging as an opportunity and act to cultivate meaning at this stage of life. Please do share with me your thoughts, reflections, and suggestions at any time!
The full edition of the book of twenty-three chapters can be obtained by registering and paying at the link, the book will be sent shortly thereafter.
Download - Full Edition Of The Book